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Great news for fund management industry

  • 4 May 2021
  • a minute of reading

We have great news for all companies who are dealing with fund and deposit management! The reason is we released a new version of OneCore Funding App which is well-suitable to cover all activities to help the organization finance its operation.

OneCore Funding App is currently full of new features so if you are interested, check it on AppSource and download the free trial version.

What can you expect?

  • Developed new funding accounting and posting (OneCore posting setting for all account entries, interest can be first simulated or directly posted).
  • Deposit changes (through a clearing account from the bank or directly on the funding account card by clicking on the “Insert Deposit” button in cash).
  • Withdrawal changes (from the funding account via the bank are first posted as a liability of the supplier and sent as items to be paid to the bank).
  • New reports (with all Funding Account entries in the Action menu, the report can be printed or sent in pdf, xls, or doc format).
  • Change in frames (system checks if all the Dates (Dates of contract, Due Date, and Last Draw Date are filled + set up Min Tranche Amount).

As promised, we continue developing and improving our Solitea OneCore Apps. In case you are interested in our solution, feel free to contact our account manager Adam Hermann or become our partner.



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