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Introduction of OneCore Calculation Engine for Leasing and Credit Companies

  • 28 Feb 2020
  • a minute of reading

We would like to invite you to another Live Meeting where we will introduce to you a new calculation engine for leasing and credit companies.

The calculation tool called OneCore OneCore Business Portal serves as an internal tool for preparing quotations for various types of financing and various subject categories.

Thanks to Solitea OneCore Business Portal, you can very easily create indicative financial calculations for your clients based on their requests, including complete insurance and additional services. You can then send the quotation to the client via e-mail in PDF form within a few minutes.

Solitea OneCore Business Portal is a certified solution whose wide suite of functions allows it to cover all processes in the financial and leasing sector such as fleet management, operating and finance leasing, and more.

Come hear about how this online calculator solution can speed up and simplify your work when creating quotations for customers.


Thursday 19.3. 2020 | 10:00 – 10:30 | Live Meeting


  • The showcase of creating calculations for individual types of financing
  • Saving of calculation history
  • Multicalculation – option to calculate up to 9 quotations at the same time
  • Option to interconnect with external systems and OneCore

The registration has been completed. Please contact us if you are interested in the recording of this Live Meeting.


Recommended products

OneCore Business Portal

A self-service online portal providing an intuitive and modern information base for customers and partners. It allows users to easily create custom offer configurations for four types of financing: operating lease with services, financial lease, and credits with and without a subject.

OneCore Calculation Engine

 A solution for any financial calculation. It is an ideal solution for companies focusing on credits, leases, fleet financing, operating or financing leases, and many other financial services.


System is brought to you by Seyfor