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Aplikacije Lifecycle Menadžmenta Koristeći Azure DevOps

  • 18. 2. 2020.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

Since the start of the new year, our company uses Azure DevOps. Thanks to the comprehensive solutions available in Microsoft Azure, our teams can implement DevOps processes in all stages of the application lifecycle: planning, development, delivery, and operation. These DevOps technologies in combination with trained personnel and proper processes allow our company to deliver software to our customers faster and more reliably.

Transitioning to DevOps provides teams with the ability to better respond to the needs of customers and build confidence and trust in the applications the teams create and helps to achieve business goals much faster. DevOps allows previously isolated roles (development, IT operation, quality control, and security) to cooperate and coordinate with the aim of providing better and more reliable products.

The name DevOps is a combination of the word’s development and operations and represents the concept of bringing together people, processes, and technologies with the aim of continuously providing high-quality products and services to customers.


Preporučeni proizvodi


Specijalizirano rješenje za tvrtke koje pružaju financijske usluge. Potpuno je integriran sa sustavom Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, omogućujući svojim korisnicima da u potpunosti iskoriste prednosti platforme.

OneCore Business Portal

Samoposlužni internetski portal koji pruža intuitivnu i modernu informacijsku bazu za klijente i partnere. Korisnicima omogućuje jednostavno kreiranje prilagođenih konfiguracija ponuda za četiri vrste financiranja: operativni leasing s uslugama, financijski leasing te krediti sa i bez pologa.

OneCore Calculation Engine

 Rješenje za svaki financijski izračun. Ovo je idealno rješenje za tvrtke koje se fokusiraju na kredite, zajam, financiranje voznog parka, operativni ili financijski zajam, i mnoge druge financijske usluge.


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