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Da li znate kako pružiti online uslugu u leasing-u?

  • 14. 6. 2023.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

Are you interested in digital transformation in the world of leasing services? Don't want to miss out?

We discussed this and other topics with leasing companies at the Business Breakfast event, which took place in May in the pleasant premises of Microsoft in Bratislava. We organised the event together with the Association of Leasing Companies of the Slovak Republic and Microsoft Slovakia.

Together, we sought answers to the question of how best to prepare a leasing company for digitalisation and discussed the transformation of the industry. We also touched on the topic of what possibilities there are for leasing companies to move to the cloud, and the real-life experiences associated with it.

With an expert on digital transformation in the age of emerging AI - Nikola Pleska (Microsoft Partner Marketing Advisor), we took a look under the hood of digital transformation within Microsoft and looked at what the D365 platform has to offer.

A presentation by our colleague David Pecival, Digitising Leasing and How to Get Smart About It, took us inside a leasing company and showed us the possibilities of using AI to simplify their work. Another interesting topic was how to get the most out of leasing software and start saving money.

Participants from finance and leasing companies were very open to discussing the topics of digital transformation and AI. We would like to continue this trend and are already planning more events like this.

Follow us on LinkedIn to find out more.
We look forward to more inspiring encounters!


Interested in digitalisation solutions for leasing companies? Ask for presentation in pdf or Email us at and we will be happy to discuss.


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