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Dostigli smo Još Jednu Kompetenciju - Cloud Platform

  • 14. 2. 2020.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

Microsoft Azure is the fastest-growing cloud service. Azure revenues have climbed by an incredible 76 % in the last year. As more companies move their IT infrastructure to Microsoft’s cloud platform, the demand for professionals in this area grows ever greater. Since the number of people with extensive experience with Azure is relatively low, many employers rely on certifications as proof that the candidate has the necessary knowledge and skills.

The Cloud Platform competency we acquired serves as a guarantee of our company’s knowledge and long-term experience. This competency confirms our position among the largest Microsoft Partners in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. We fulfilled all the requirements of the demanding tests and received Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification. We have proven we have the skills necessary to design solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform, which we have been using in practice already since 2016.

Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification confirms we have the professional knowledge and skills to:

  • Deploy and configure infrastructure
  • Implement workloads and security
  • Create and deploy applications
  • Implement authentication and secure data
  • Determine workload requirements
  • Design for identity and security
  • Design a data platform solution
  • Design a business continuity strategy
  • Design for deployment, migration, and integration
  • Design an infrastructure strategy


Preporučeni proizvodi


Specijalizirano rješenje za tvrtke koje pružaju financijske usluge. Potpuno je integriran sa sustavom Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, omogućujući svojim korisnicima da u potpunosti iskoriste prednosti platforme.

OneCore Business Portal

Samoposlužni internetski portal koji pruža intuitivnu i modernu informacijsku bazu za klijente i partnere. Korisnicima omogućuje jednostavno kreiranje prilagođenih konfiguracija ponuda za četiri vrste financiranja: operativni leasing s uslugama, financijski leasing te krediti sa i bez pologa.

OneCore Calculation Engine

 Rješenje za svaki financijski izračun. Ovo je idealno rješenje za tvrtke koje se fokusiraju na kredite, zajam, financiranje voznog parka, operativni ili financijski zajam, i mnoge druge financijske usluge.


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