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Pravi Leasing Odobren U Kratkom Vremenu, Bez Čekanja

  • 15. 12. 2018.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

Have you ever bought a car on operating lease or credit? Then you know how many steps are involved in the process and how much time it takes. If you want to save not minutes or hours, but entire days when making your purchase, try a new solution developed by Solitea, a.s. in cooperation with UniCredit Leasing that allows you to complete the entire process literally in a few minutes.

From vehicle configuration, equipment, supplementary services to parameters of financing, you can set up everything simply and easily within a few minutes at your dealer’s. Our new application launches on 1st November 2018. If you want to see its benefits in practice, have a look at the video below.

It is definitely worth it…


Preporučeni proizvodi


Specijalizirano rješenje za tvrtke koje pružaju financijske usluge. Potpuno je integriran sa sustavom Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, omogućujući svojim korisnicima da u potpunosti iskoriste prednosti platforme.


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