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Pravna I Računovodstvena Podrška u Više od 100 Država širom Svijeta

  • 30. 8. 2022.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

Does your finance company operate in multiple countries? If so, you'll surely have encountered challenges related to differences in legislative requirements and accounting standards. With Solitea OneCore lease and loan management software, you can always be certain you're working in accordance with the law wherever you're doing business.

Does your finance company operate in multiple countries? If so, you'll surely have encountered challenges related to differences in legislative requirements and accounting standards. With Solitea OneCore lease and loan management software, you can always be certain you're working in accordance with the law wherever you're doing business.

Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse

Just like languages and cultures differ between countries, so are the significant differences between local legislations. Companies operating in their country of origin usually have no issues with their local laws, but expanding abroad can suddenly pose challenges in maintaining compliance with various legislations across countries and continents. Needless to say, potential conflict with the law may not only greatly disrupt your ability to provide financial services but may undermine your reputation among customers and result in major fines. 

Security in over 100 Countries

We here at Solitea OneCore are well aware of this risk. We have thus made our OneCore lease and loan management software fully compatible with legislation in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and other 100 world countries. This is evidence of the power of our certified partnership with Microsoft, which enables us to guarantee legislative compliance in all countries with access to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central platform. You can find a complete list of these countries below:

List of supported countries and languages

We Track Changes for You

In countries where we have customers or partners, we actively track relevant legislative changes related to tax obligations, accounting standards, and other laws that affect the provision and management of loans. Any changes are then integrated into Solitea OneCore as soon as possible, directly by our team or one of our international partners. 

This support applies to both sweeping, country-level changes and minor amendments focused solely on lease provisions (e.g. tax write-offs). Localisations are also available through the Microsoft AppSource gateway. 

For more information about our legislative support, don't hesitate to get in touch with our experts using the contact form below. 


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