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Predstavljanje Solucije za Upravljanje Radnim Procesima za Leasing I Kreditna Poduzeća

  • 15. 5. 2020.
  • manje od minute za čitanje

We would like to invite you to another Live Meeting, where we would like to show you the basic setting options and uses for OneCore Suite’s Workflow tool in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. With this tool, you can combine business process tasks performed by different users.

Workflow automates processes and supports the flow of documents, information, and tasks from one worker to another. It improves the transparency of existing business processes and leads to their simplification, improves their effectiveness, and shortens operation time.

System tasks such as automatic accounting can be incorporated into the workflow as steps that precede or follow the user’s tasks. Requesting or giving approval for creating new records are typical examples of workflow steps.

OneCore Suite supports nearly all financial products (with service or without). And when it comes to supporting assets, the solution allows you to lease and loan almost any type of property. Not just cars or trucks, but industrial technologies, electronics, real estate, and more.

Come see how solutions available within the Workflow tool can speed up and simplify your activities when processing system tasks.


Thursday 28.5. 2020 | 10:00 – 10:30 | Live Meeting


  • What is Workflow?
  • Using Workflow
  • Creating a workflow from a template
  • Workflow settings
  • Approval user settings
  • Setting workflow alerts
  • Deleting a workflow

The registration has been completed. Please contact us if you are interested in the recording of this Live Meeting.


Preporučeni proizvodi


Specijalizirano rješenje za tvrtke koje pružaju financijske usluge. Potpuno je integriran sa sustavom Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, omogućujući svojim korisnicima da u potpunosti iskoriste prednosti platforme.

OneCore Business Portal

Samoposlužni internetski portal koji pruža intuitivnu i modernu informacijsku bazu za klijente i partnere. Korisnicima omogućuje jednostavno kreiranje prilagođenih konfiguracija ponuda za četiri vrste financiranja: operativni leasing s uslugama, financijski leasing te krediti sa i bez pologa.

OneCore Calculation Engine

 Rješenje za svaki financijski izračun. Ovo je idealno rješenje za tvrtke koje se fokusiraju na kredite, zajam, financiranje voznog parka, operativni ili financijski zajam, i mnoge druge financijske usluge.


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